We have just added our Okuma LC20 with the OSP5000L green screen control to EasyDNC. Working OK except after a block with reader messages in paranthesis, the transmission to the LC20 adds a number of spaces to the next line before the block text. The control still reads the program OK, but it looks weird and makes it harder to scan the program with some lines indented from extra spaces. Properties set as follows, any suggestions?
Mode: None
Data Rate: 1200
Bits: 7
Stop: 2
Partiy: Even
Block End: CRLF
Block Delay: 90
Block Space: Checked
Thanks, Rick Whittaker
By: Support
Posted on: Jan 10 2008 at 07:00:39 PM
Hello Rick,
I don`t think you need to have the option BlockSpace checked. Remove that and try it again.
Apart from that I can`t see anything wrong with the settings.
easyDnc wouldn`t have any reason to add spaces unless something told it to do it.
Could you email one of your files to me - I may be able to see something in the file which makes either easyDnc or the control insert those spaces.
support1 at easydnc dot com
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