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Topic:   copy programs from word to easydnc and back again

By: petertPosted on: Mar 26 2007 at 08:53:34 PM
I would like to write programs at home in ms word or similar, bring them to work on flash drive and copy them to the machine via easy dnc. Can I do this? If so how? If not can you suggest an alternative please. Easydnc has been great for transfering files to and from the machine but writing and editing at the machine is getting tiresome.

By: SupportPosted on: Mar 27 2007 at 01:21:49 PM
You didn`t say which type of CNC control you have.

Some, such as Mazatrol, have a special programming which you might not be able to edit using any standard windows editor.

However, most controls, such as Fanuc, have programs in standard text which you can edit with any text editor such as Windows `Notepad`.

I`d recommend you use Notepad but if you use MS Word or WordPad then you need to make sure you save the file as a standard text file. If you saved a file in MS Word format (as a DOC file) then that wouldn`t be readable by the cnc because word processing files contain all manner of control codes such as page formatting, font style/size etc which the cnc doesn`t understand. When saving a file using MS Word you MUST select the option `Save As` and then change the file type to `text`.

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Topic:- copy programs from word to easydnc and back again

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