Topic: Drip feeding 1990 Triac ATC pnc3
By: Guest | Posted on: Nov 1 2010 at 03:51:48 PM | Hello,
I am having problems drip feeding from Easydnc 4.7 to a 1990 Denford Triac ATC pnc3.
The machine will accept a gcode to load to memory, and send out a gcode from the Triac to Easydnc without flaws. The gcode is genreated by Denford QuickCam 2D software. I have only added a G54 for positioning after the spindle start in the gcode.
The machine will begin drip feeding, start the spindle, then the spindle stops and nothing else happens.
Would you be so kind to assist me with the drip feeding?
Thank you,
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By: Support, | Posted on: Nov 2 2010 at 12:40:27 PM | Only thing I can think of is the MODE setting in easyDnc. Make sure it's set to "PNC2-4". When You then select the CNC icon you'll see two option over to the left side of the window - one of those options is Drip Feed.
When you're editing the file on your computer you may see that every line ends with a letter L (or not)
If all the lines end with L then make sure that any new lines you add also end with the L. (If the other lines don't end with L then don't add L to any new lines either - make them all the same with or without L. easyDnc adds or removes the L's when required but I'm wondering what would happen if some lines ended with L and some didn't - if you see what I mean - so make them all the same. | |
By: Guest, | Posted on: Nov 2 2010 at 04:48:28 PM | I took a proven gcode made in QuickCam 2d and loaded it into the CNC memory, then sent the loaded gcode to EasyDNC. The gcode originally did not have number lines, yet the uploaded gcode from the CNC has number lines except for the last command of the gcode; M02L.
This gcode from the CNC did drip feed to the CNC except the machine never turned on the spindle after the tool change. The CNC ran the gcode without spindle rotation from the gcode. I tried different block delays and even the block space selected with the same results. Previously, the spindle would start to rotate before stopping during the drip feed.
The Denford QuickCam 2d with the PNC3 post processor adds the "L" to the end of each line in the gcode.
Thank you for your quick response to this matter.
Tony | |
By: Guest, | Posted on: Nov 3 2010 at 10:56:51 AM | correction to the first post- The machine will begin drip feeding, start the spindle, and nothing else happens.
My findings are as follows:
Gcode without number lines - CNC will begin drip feeding, start the spindle, and nothing else happens. Drip feed halts at the G54 command.
Gcode with number lines - CNC will begin drip feeding, disregards the spindle speed, and CNC initiates the G54 command and continues the drip feed for the remainder of the gcode without spindle rotation. | |
By: Guest, | Posted on: Nov 3 2010 at 11:06:19 AM | You said you can drip feed the program successfully but the machine doesn't start the spindle.
That sounds like a problem in the gcode - changing options in easyDnc such as block delay won't make any difference to the gcode.
When drip feeding easyDnc and The triac are using the PNC communications protocol. If there were communications errors then the communications would stop and display an error.
If you're not seeing any error displayed then assume the communications are working and the problem is in the gcode.
The fact that the post processor is adding L to the end of each line means that it is preparing the gcode to be Loaded and executed in CNC memory. easyDnc can then drip feed that code to the CNC if you select the drip feed option.
But is it possible that some of the gcodes are specific to running in memory and when drip feeding you'd use different commands ?
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By: Guest, | Posted on: Nov 3 2010 at 12:16:27 PM | The manual states that a G54 runs within a program. The manual is available for download in pdf format on Denford's site. Page 41-46, 60, 83.
Denfordata dot com, machines, Triac, Triac pnc3 programming maintenance manual
I hope this information is useful,
Tony | |
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