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Topic:   Easy DNC OKK Mitsubishi control unit

By: Dayvid FrankePosted on: Apr 13 2009 at 04:27:38 PM
We had this working and now for some reason it isn`t.

When we send the program to the machine, under search line, the easyDNC software continues to send the program, even after the overflow should stop, and the machine is only picking up the first line.

We have also tried just running the program by pressing cycle start and the machine executed the first few lines of program and also gave us an alarm.

We have flow control at Xon/Xoff and at a buad rate of 4800 which is what the machine itself is set for.

By: SupportPosted on: Apr 13 2009 at 08:59:06 PM
If you had it working then can`t you think of what has changed ?

When using xOn/xOff flow control you can often avoid overflow problems but disabling the Windows FIFO and by changing the BlockDelay in easyDnc setup.

Windows FIFO is:- Control Panel > System > Hardware > Device Manager > Ports Com/LPT Select the port then go to `Port Settings > Advanced` You will see settings for FIFO. Slide this down to zero and uncheck the box to disable it.

Also try increasing the block delay in easyDnc setup.

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