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Topic:   Error 31

By: MickPosted on: Nov 20 2008 at 02:48:11 PM
I downloaded DNC4 to my office computer, then saved it on a memory stick and transfered it to the computer in our factory, when i try to open it i get an error code 31 and cant continue. can any one help?

By: SupportPosted on: Nov 20 2008 at 05:51:56 PM

It sounds as though you`ve installed the software on the office computer and then tried to do a partial copy of the installed software on to the laptop.

It`s easier to do a full/proper install onto the latop using the download from our website.

The file downloaded from our website will be

DNC40SET (.exe) and it`ll have an icon like this.


Put that file onto your memory stick and take it to the other computer and when you double click it it installs the software.

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