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Topic:   error sending data from pc to cnc

By: ParsecPosted on: Jul 1 2008 at 11:19:37 AM
Good morning,
I have a FANUC 18-TC with CINCOM B-12 control panel. I can easily receive data on Pc but can`t send them back. The progress bar moves all the way to the right but the CNC doesn`t get anything.

If it can help, I`ve selected in the flow control box of the setup "Xon/Xoff Wait any" . Now, when I push on Fanuc the Input button, Easydnc start sending data to cnc, but they never arrive... My Fanuc displays "time out trasmission error".

Thanks for your attention!

By: SupportPosted on: Jul 2 2008 at 11:23:00 AM
Fanuc programs must begin with a % symbol otherwise the data will be ignored.

Check the cable to make sure that there`s no loose connections (Pins 2 and 3)

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