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Topic:   G&L that has a bad tape reader

By: usmotorsPosted on: Nov 29 2007 at 03:04:57 PM
I have some questions? I have a G&L that has a bad tape reader, can I use this software to load programs?

By: SupportPosted on: Nov 30 2007 at 04:39:24 PM
Check your cnc. Many have 2 ports inside - one connected to the tape reader and another connected to a 25pin D`type connector somewhere on the body/case of the CNC/control.

If the CNC doesn`t have an external RS232 connector the many tape readers have an RS232 connection to the CNC - Usually a 25pin D` type connector inside the control panel.

If you can unplug the tape reader from the CNC/Control and plug a cable from the computer into the CNC.

If you have an RS232 then you probably can use easyDnc.

It`s a free trial so no harm in trying. There`s an auto=port scan capability which often makes setting up and testing quite quick so probably won`t take too long to try it.

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