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Topic:   ive tried

By: coachjcsmilesPosted on: Nov 15 2007 at 05:47:42 PM
the setings you told me about worked great for about ten minutes and then it got a buffer overflow alarm. I tried to lower the baud rate but that also caused a bufer overflow problem.

Again the settings I have on the control are as follows

5110 3
5111 2
5112 9
5120 3
5121 2
5122 9
5130 3
5131 2
5132 9

The settings on the software are as follows

Baud 2400
Flow control xon/xoff
databits 7
stopbits 2
parity even
Blockend crlf
block delay 10 but i played with it up to 100
Stepsize smooth

I also tried the fast setting on one other thing i cant remember but it didnt help.

By: GuestPosted on: Nov 15 2007 at 08:33:28 PM
Did you disable the Com Port FIFO ?

Control Panel > System > Hardware > Device manager > Comports

Select the com port > Port Settings > Advanced.

This bring up a window with options for the Com Port FIFO. You don`t need to adjust any other com port settings via this tool, just make sure the FIFO is disabled.

FIFO settings don`t apply to easy Dnc for iMac or Linux
imac macos mac os x

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