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Topic:   Looping new CNC code, same NC filename

By: GWHicksPosted on: Jan 15 2009 at 12:13:29 AM
We were previously using a DNC software that allowed us to define the file to send to each machine and then the only time anyone needed to interact with the PC was if they needed to abort an NC program running before reaching it`s end.
What we would do is just repost using the same filename (machines numbered 1-7 so NC files were names 1.nc thru 7.nc). When you completed the current program you could post your next program to the same filename and just restart the feed right from the machine. This prevented users from accidentally interrupting another machine that was drip feeding and solved a lot of headaches.
Does anyone know of a way to possibly configure this using EasyDNC? Alternatively anyone know of another DNC app that might allow this? If we can do this (and rename the running instances that I asked in another post) then our order for EasyDNC will be done quickly.
Thanks for any suggestions anyone has.

By: SupportPosted on: Jan 19 2009 at 12:47:54 PM
From what you`re saying it sounds if you want to reduce the amount of time your machine operators spend at the computer. That file naming method you described was your way of acheiving that.

DncRemo is a version of easyDnc which has some `remote control` functionality. In many cases your user won`t need to physically use the computer at all. They can send and receive programs to/from the cnc without leaving the cnc console.

take a look at www.dncremo.com Maybe just download the manual/user guide to see if it`ll meet your requirements.

By: GWHicksPosted on: Jan 19 2009 at 11:51:25 PM
OK, we have installed a trial version of DNC Remo and it looks like it does most of the items we were looking for. The only issue we are having with it now is that the computer doesn`t know that it has sent all of the program. When we receive the NC code using the Remo function of the application it sends fine, but when it reaches the end of the code it doesn`t know that is all so from the machine we have to do another program load request which then finishes out the sending of the NC code and we can THEN request another program.
Any special characters we could put into our post processor, or maybe a configuration at our machine, that would ensure the end of code is realized by the computer and DNC Remo resets itself waiting for the next NC code request?

By: SupportPosted on: Jan 21 2009 at 12:01:35 PM
Make sure that the program you`re sending to the CNC doesn`t have lots of empty lines spaces or comments at the bottom. For example, if the data ends with a % symbol make sure there`s just one new line below the % and nothing else.

It sounds as if the DNC has a small amount of data wating to go, probably just spaces at the end of the program, but the machine has closed the port and the DNC doesn`t know that the `data` is not wanted so in theory it`ll wait for ever.

To save you the bother of going back to the computer What you could do is at the end of the transfer hit the CNC`s input button again as if you`re going to receive another program and that will open the port on the CNC allowing the DNC to empty it`s buffers. The data is just junk/spaces so the CNC probably won`t even see it so after a second or two just cancel and then Remo should be ready for the next job.

Please let me know if that helps. If you`re still stuck you can email me directly

support at easydnc dot com


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