Hi all
Are considering a purchase of a multicam router to compliment our shop abilities. My question is this, I am on a macintosh platform, use autocad and need to know what other piece of the puzzle that I need. The machine has a PC with it with bobcad loaded on it but want to run it off my mac and do away with all the problems of windows etc... Is this software the way to go?
with easy dnc is this the software that will take my .dxf file and convert it to my toolpath / gcode that the machine uses?
any help is appreciated.
By: Support
Posted on: May 5 2009 at 12:55:29 PM
easyDnc is primarily a `DNC Software`.
If your drawings etc are in autocad or other CAD software then you need to output them or post process using something that converts to GCode
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