I am currently running version 2.11h and have noticed that I get nothing when running the Port Scan feature.
It doesn`t seem to sort out anything, in fact, nothing shows up in the window.
I am familiar with Port Scan as I have used it frequently on older versions.
By: Support
Posted on: Jul 6 2007 at 08:47:59 AM
I`m not aware of any problems with PortScan. In fact, nothing has changed much in that part of the software since 2.0
PortScan only scans com ports 1 to 6 so if you`ve just migrated to a new computer and maybe using a USB port then it`s possible that the USB is allocated to com 7 or 8 in which case port scan wouldn`t find it.
Usually USB/Com ports appear as Com5 or Com6 but I`ve got one Laptop which does make the USB appear as Com7.
Control Panel>System>Hardware>DeviceManager>ComPorts and check the available com port numbers to see which com ports exist on the computer once the USB adapter is plugged in.
I know you didn`t mention USB but I thought I ought to mention it as the most common cause of PortScan failure. Having said all that I will go back and check the software just to make sure that a bug hasn`t crept in there during a recent update. I`ll also schedule an update to portscan which takes in a wider range of ports.
By: Guest
Posted on: Jul 7 2007 at 05:31:25 AM
I am in fact using a serial USB adapter.
It is assigned as COM2.
By: Support
Posted on: Jul 7 2007 at 03:19:54 PM
Com2 should be fine.
You`d usually use port scan because you don`t know the CNC communications settings. But would by any chance know what baud rate/speed the CNC is using ?
I`ll probably be able to respond quicker if you email me directly. support2@easydnc.com (I can then come back to the forum and post results later in case anyone else has a similar problem)
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